SEVERE's ADIP™ Skimmer forms the basis of our leading edge recovery system and eliminates environmental damage and costs
associated with disposal of contaminated second hand oil and disposable machinery components.
SEVERE has designed the ADIP™ Skimmer to be exceptionally reliable. There are no components which require changes during
operation (such as contaminated belts) enabling continuous operation and optimum recovery rates.
The ADIP™ Skimmer is the equipment of choice for heavy oil spill recovery as it effectively recovers oils with a
viscosity of up to 2,000,000 cSt. This cost-effective performer can be mounted on your existing vessels, on one of
SEVERE's platforms (HORT™ Barge or Oriliminator™), or may be custom land based for industrial applications.
• Rapid deployment
• Hydraulically controlled
• No component changes during operation
• Simple, cost effective, continuous, mechanical operation
• Aluminum & stainless construction
• 99% recovery efficiency - 98% throughput efficiency
• Up to 4,000 US gal/hr recovery rate
• Works with medium, heavy oils and bitumen